Saturday, September 1, 2012

A few more Whys..

So whenever I tell people that I am working out of Koraput district of Odisha, I usually receive the following 2 reactions:

1)      OMG: how do you survive in such an interior place?
2)      Do you meet Naxalites?

The above 2 reactions ofcourse come after I have explained to people that Koraput is in Odisha and not in Maharastra (mistaken for Kolhapur city).

The irony in the above two statements/inquiries is that there are tens of thousands of people who survive in Koraput, and no one seemed to have realised it till one of the city dwellers travel there… and the 2nd, the sheer stupidity of people inquiring about Naxalites. As if you expect them to wear their Naxal outfits, shout the Red propaganda and wield their AK47s while roaming the streets… such ridiculous questions had just stopped bothering me when I observed that there is this third question which keeps cropping up in several discussions:

3)      Is Koraput nice? How beautiful is it?

So like any sane person, my usual response would be, “course it is nice… infact it is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been to… it is serene, calm, pristine and just heavenly….”
Response: WOW, So how developed it tourism there? Why isn’t there any tourism happening?

Sadly, I realise that more than a year back, even I would have asked the same question… and I am yet to figure out the logical thought process behind this particular query…but then it is a bit tragic…

Anything good or great needs to be associated with the potential of how much money it can make… anything beautiful needs to be commercialised and taken advantage of… our own people, fellow citizens whom we call adivasis needs to be showcased and their “culture” needs to be part of “rural tourism”…

Now, don’t be afraid, I am all for commercialisation, for income generation and for development. I believe in making profits out of a business opportunity and I believe that rural tourism is needed… but then I also believe in responsible commercialisation..

I am still wondering why does everything beautiful needs to end up getting destroyed? Why is it that our primitive Tribals need to be showcased to the world as if they are colourful monkeys in a cage? Why our greed and desire cannot know their own limits? Still looking for some answers…


  1. Your questions are fine and important and relevant, not only to your country and culture but to to those others of the world. I truly hope you find answers. My wish is that more people would also seek and find.

    Bobbie Ezzell

  2. Don't pay so much attention to people's questions. They usually don't have much deep significance. They just spring from what they are usually thinking or doing as an occupation. People always have weird questions about things they cannot grasp. Just don't ever let such questions dictate your actions.

    As for tribals, I really don't know their culture and history first-hand. I have only read articles and heard talks. On basis of that I think they urgently need basic English and reading/writing skills, else they'll wrongly believe the gun to be a more powerful weapon than the pen and suffer

  3. This is really thought full. But there are some hard truth in life which we have to accept.


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